We offer art direction in brand strategy, product and interior design.

We help clients bring their visions to life and transform their brands from ordinary to extraordinary.

Brands, like people, have unique personalities. Creating a brand is like inventing a whole new personality - a challenging task.

With our branding services, we help you create a strong, unique and competitive brand that wins hearts.


Our main task is to understand your vision and transform it into a compelling brand identity that is both visually captivating and strategically sound.


Our goal is to achieve scalable success through creative and effective design solutions that drive growth and improve market presence.

We dig deep!

We blend creativity with an entrepreneurial outlook, treating our clients' businesses as if they were our own. We look for that extra special something in each client by digging deep to uncover the motivations of company founders in order to create authentic, meaningful, and disruptive businesses that are successful, make a positive impact in the world, and create moments of happiness for consumers with their products and services.

With holistic branding, design, and consulting services, we help clients launch or elevate their brands with original identities and authentic content. We strive to create value, transforming ideas into solid business that will drive companies forward.

We work across three dimensions to fulfill different organizations’ needs.


Our process starts with digging for something authentic. An insight or truth that is the special something, which makes your brand unique and memorable. Working in close cooperation with you, we'll help define your brand strategy and develop a clear vision for a world-class brand.

2. Explore

The second phase in the process refers to creative exploration. Where we strive to make your brand look and feel extraordinary. We explore various art and creative directions. And we design and write until we make your brand truly original and unique to your competitors.

3. Execute

The final phase is bringing your brand to life. Acting as a part of your team and creating compelling content, packaging, and website design and development. We'll make sure your brand is an extraordinary experience in real life.


Why is Brand Design so important for a company?

A brand is the visual, verbal and experiential translation of a promise. We give shape to your brand, turning your positioning and personality into a live experience that connects with your audiences at each touch-point.

Human needs are at the heart of our design process. In our world, great design is human-centred and goes beyond the surface to include emotional, functional and aesthetic values. The ability to make the leap from ordinary to extraordinary lies in dedication to craftsmanship, a passion for detail, and creativity.

Design is a continuous process, which we share with our clients. Working closely together, we challenge ourselves to hunt for the details that transform emotions from “like” to “love”, and ultimately to “must have”.

How do we use innovation in our brand design process?

In our world, great design is human-centered and goes beyond the surface to incorporate emotional, functional and aesthetic values. The ability to make the leap from ordinary to extraordinary lies in dedication to craftsmanship, attention to detail and creativity.

Design is a continuous process that we share with our customers. Working closely together, we challenge ourselves to find the details that transform emotions from “like” to “love” and finally to “must have”.

We carefully keep track on trends, apply tools, methods and use proven creative approaches to identify relevant opportunities for our clients. 

We create strategic springboards for brand expansion, innovation and the development of new products, services and experiences.

How can design have a positive impact on society?

Understanding sustainable design choices in a complex packaging system is a challenging and exciting task. When designing sustainable packaging, we take a holistic view, looking at many parameters with strategic and creative mindsets. This includes visual design, material choices, packaging innovation, structural design and technical drawings, fill rates, logistics, production speeds, material sourcing and so on. But of course, we’re also very passionate about knowing our end customers.

Producing and delivering fantastic packaging is great, but if consumers don’t buy it, understand it, know how to use it, or recycle it… well, then we didn’t do our job.

RE DESIGN STUDIO is an insight-driven strategic design agency that understands consumers, trends, and design that creates strong emotional – and meaningful – relationships between people and brands. We believe that together we can make an impactful change both for business and society.

Why is packaging so important for Brand Design?

We buy products, we don’t buy packaging. Before being a marketing tool, packaging is there to protect the product and ensure it’s handled and transported safely. So, we can’t really evaluate sustainability without taking into account the product inside – we can’t view packaging as a single unit/self-contained entity.

For example, one third of the global carbon footprint comes from the production of food and one third of the food produced goes to waste. That’s an alarming fact! Packaging plays a key role in the effort to reduce food waste making sure as much food as possible reaches the end consumer unharmed.

When designing and choosing packaging, we need to balance functionality and efficiency with sustainability.

Most probably we’ll need some sort of packaging even in the future …BUT – we need it to be carefully designed and thought through. Done right, packaging solutions can be genuine sustainability heroes.

How does GenZ influence Brand Design Strategies?

Gen Z consumers are increasingly making active choices and switching their spending power to sustainable brands and products, while also actively boycotting brands or unsustainable practices.

The brands of tomorrow have to work pro-actively to stay relevant and vital. And to become a future-fit brand, you have to understand your consumers’ needs and desires, even the unspoken ones.

As a business, always strive to be the best in everything you do. Consumers understand and reward companies that devote effort and go the extra mile in terms of design, smart packaging solutions, choice of materials and low environmental impact. If you want to win people over and gain their trust, you need to be authentic, transparent and show you care for something bigger than just your own personal gain: Not good for me, good for us.

You don’t have to choose between a profitable business or doing good.